Planning to Maintain the Integrity of the Land


Build effective plans • Transition the ranch to the future

Rangelander has helped ranches increase their annual profit by over $500,000.


Rangelander has committed to help families and other management entities build plans to maintain the integrity of the land. We have worked with all types of operations resident, non-resident, large and small to create successful plans to operate profitably and transition into the future. In most cases, ranches we work with created better plans and have found methods to be far more profitable while maintaining or improving the land. One large ranch improved their profit in excess of $500,000 per year. Another ranch found that including a hunting operation, that is a focused part of the ranch plan, generated over $350,000 of additional revenue per year. However, it remains true that there is no one formula for success or succession, and concerted effort is needed to find the best choice for the individual ranch.


Maintaining the integrity of ranch operations is absolutely essential to the sustainability of the land. Loss of ranches due to poor profitability, no succession plan or no operational plan for the future generally causes fragmentation of the landscape. Fragmentation decreases or eliminates the capability to make land management decisions that make a real difference.